Special Needs & Accommodations

The Most Holy Redeemer School Resource Program is designed to facilitate collaboration between home and school so that students are able to reach their academic potential. We employ a part-time Resource Teacher to support classroom teachers and parents in their efforts to maximize learning for students. When appropriate, the expertise of our school’s Director of Student Services also helps to inform decisions regarding students’ achievement.

Response to Intervention (RTI): Tier 1, 2 and 3 Interventions
• Tier 1 instruction is instruction that all students receive daily. During reading, this instruction includes all of the components of balanced literacy program. Those students that need additional instruction in reading receive Tier 1 instruction and Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention.
• Tier 2 instruction gives more to those students that need additional help. This type of instruction is delivered in what is known as an intervention. An intervention is a program or instructional strategy employed to improve the skills of identified children based upon assessment data and/or classroom performance.
• Tier 3 instruction involves those students needing the most support. During this instruction teachers use the most powerful components of the support materials supplied by the textbook publisher. These instructional and intervention strategies are implemented to improve skills that need strengthening.

Our Resource Teacher employs tools available through the AIMSweb system by assessing all students in 1st through 3rd grades and others upon the recommendation of classroom teachers and/or parents.
1. Benchmark – Assess students three times per year for universal screening (early identification), as well as general education progress and monitoring.
2. Strategic Monitor – Monitor at-risk students monthly and evaluate the effectiveness of instructional changes.
3. Progress Monitor – Write individualized annual goals and monitor more frequently for those who need intensive instructional services.

Individualized Catholic Education Plan (ICEP)
Students covered by ICEP’s are those who: 1) have a physical or mental impairment, which substantially limits one or more major life activities and results in a need for reasonable accommodations and/or special education and related services, 2) have a record of such impairment or 3) are regarded as having such impairment. ICEP’s are developed with input from classroom teachers, our Resource Teacher and students’ parents.

Referral Process for Students Suspected of Having a Learning Disability and/or Speech Impairment
Referrals of school-aged children take place through the school. If a parent/guardian suspects a learning disability and/or speech impairment, s/he should first discuss her/his concerns with the child’s classroom teacher. If the teacher concurs, s/he will inform the Principal and the referral process will be initiated with District 124.

Preschool (ages 3-5, yet not in Kindergarten) Screenings
Evergreen Park School District 124 conducts monthly preschool screenings throughout the school year. Basic learning skills, motor skills, social skills and speech/language development are assessed. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment for screening by contacting the District Office at 708/423-0950 and asking to speak with Student Support Services personnel.